Software Technology

Choosing eCommerce platform for your online store
Choosing eCommerce platform for your online store
Happy 2013 everyone! This is my first article for the new year. If one of your goals for the new year is to build an online presence for your business, this is an article might come at the right timing....
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利用 iPad 電子書,行銷商品無國界
iBooks Author 製作的電子書,除了有豐富的動畫,影片,照片文字等素材可以在 iPad 電子書平台展現。2012年4月26日,跟台灣的網絡行銷及故事行銷大師劉奶爸一起合作開課,傳授利用電子書的網絡行銷技巧與策略。 2012年1月20日,Apple 公司發表了免費的電子書製作軟體 iBooks Author 嗎?只要學會這套軟體,您或您公司的產品就能編輯成冊,行銷到全世界囉!電子書的市場在這幾年被廣泛的討論,尤其是網路書店的平均業績早已超越實體書店的情形下,接踵而來的改革正要興起! 環保意識抬頭,紙本出版品面臨許多不利的威脅,加上實體通路的開拓對原創作者來說更是困難重重,許多作者或專家們,想好好的寫一本自己的著作,卻又不願意被出版社挑三撿四又重重剝屑,於是開始興起了自己出版電子書的念頭! 尤其在 iPad 2 上市之後,iBooks 的電子出版品不但超越了傳統的紙本書籍,也超越了像 PDF 這類電子書單調的「紙本電子化」書籍。 更棒的是,電子書行銷術在網路行銷佔有非常大的比重,學會利用電子書來行銷您公司的產品,打響知名度,結合智慧手機 APP,讓您的行銷手法更上一層樓。
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Building The Smarter Way
The construction industry has substantial socio-economic impact, both nationally and internationally. Yet, given the obvious importance of the industry, it is surprising that the general view of the industry is one that is resistant to change, inefficient and lagging behind...
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Plug-in Framework Made Easy
Plug-in Framework Made Easy
Due to the factor such as time, manpower and to meet the evolving requirement in software development, it is often not possible to include all the features users might need during the initial release of software. As an extensive software...
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A Simple Pulse Analyzer for Device with Limited Computational Power
A Simple Pulse Analyzer for Device with Limited Computational Power
In this article, we present a simple approach for implementing a pulse analyzer for devices with limited computational power, such as mobile and wearable computers. The main purpose of this system is to continuously monitor the ECG of a person...
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A Practical Implementation of a 3-D Game Engine
Creating a 3-D game engine is not a trivial task as gamers often demand for high quality output with top notch performance in games. In this article, we show you how various real-time rendering algorithms can be applied to implement...
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An Efficient and Lightweight Resource and Asset Manager for Games Development
The rapid increase of complexity in today’s games has made managing game resources and assets become a major challenge to game developers. This article presents a lightweight resource and asset manager that can be used to manage the resources in most...
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Sun Crusher: The Great War (Gameplay Trailer)
Sun Crusher: The Great War (Gameplay Trailer)
After much anticipation, the demo of Sun Crusher: The Great War is released. This is a unique blend of third person action and real-time strategy game by Bad Nose Entertainment, where you take a role of a prisoner trapped in...
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Sun Crusher: The Great War (Teaser Trailer)
After months of planning and design, finally I am able to show you the first look into Sun Crusher: The Great War. This is Bad Nose Entertainment’s upcoming exciting sci-fi action game, which is a unique blend of third person...
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Framework for a Highly Extensible IP Telephony System
IP telephony or Internet telephony had been used by a lot of Internet users as well as organizations and companies as a cost effective telecommunication tool. As the usage of IP telephony become wider, its role had been expanded into...
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