
Courseware for Hidden Line/Surface Removal
Courseware for Hidden Line/Surface Removal
When object are defined as surfaces filled by color or shading patterns, hidden-line/ surface removal techniques are used to take out any back surfaces that are hidden by visible surfaces....
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Realistic 2-D Collision Simulation
Realistic 2-D Collision Simulation
This Java application simulates a realistic collision of spherical objects in a two dimensional space. The calculations for the collision response in this simulator is based on the Newton’s “Conservation...
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Digital Cash: Bleak or Bright?
Digital Cash: Bleak or Bright?
Digital Cash (or Electronic Money) refers to money that is exchanged only electronically via computer networks, such as the Internet. With the burgeoning e-commerce industry on the Internet, the implementation...
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Planet Orbit Simulation
Planet Orbit Simulation
This Java applet simulates the motion of a satellite, orbiting around another planet. You can interactively change the launch velocity of the satellite to explore different orbital path that it...
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Microsoft’s Monopoly: What’s the big deal?
Microsoft’s Monopoly: What’s the big deal?
Pervasive as PC’s are now, Microsoft has made clear that they are only the beginning. The company is working toward wallet computers that carry digital signatures, money and theatre or...
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TCCS JukeBox
TCCS JukeBox
TCCS JukeBox is a Windows based multimedia file player. Unlike Media Player which came along with every Windows operating system, TCCS JukeBox is capable to play a collection of multimedia...
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TCCS Personal Scheduler
TCCS Personal Scheduler
TCCS Personal Scheduler is a scheduler cum reminder for all your dates, appointments, meetings, etc. With TCCS Personal Scheduler, not only you can schedule all your work, but it will...
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